Healthy, thriving young people are the future. If your organisation works with young people, Teen Thrive will assess and identify areas for development, to ensure your funding and programes perform best.
We know you want the best for your teenager. Young people are increasingly under pressure to perform, look good, be popular and stand out from the crowd, which often leads to insecurity, depression, anxiety and under-achievement. Teen Thrive will enable your teenager to thrive and to live and fulfil their purpose.
If you are a young person who would like to understand yourself better so that you can learn the skills that will help you to thrive as you work towards reaching your goals, Teen Thrive is a great option for you!
Teen Thrive is a validated assessment tool based on the Motto Model™ developed by Mariheca Otto through her PhD research, in collaboration with Amanda Groenewald
If we don’t know where we start, how can we improve?
Teen Thrive is a validated assessment tool based on the Motto Model™ developed by Mariheca Otto through her PhD research, in collaboration with Debbie Lamb, education professional.